1Ramp’s Alpha Web App is Open-Source on GitHub

1Ramp is a Steem-Blockchain based social media for the creative communities. It rewards cryptocurrency to the users for sharing valuable work on the platform.

Pratyush Singh
Hapramp Studio


Photo by Goran Ivos on Unsplash

The Blockchain-based Projects advocate for decentralization. One part of decentralization is to open-source the code and invite the developers to suggest ideas, improve, and build a better platform.

HapRamp’s Alpha Web App is open-source and it can be accessed on our GitHub organization: HapRamp-GitHub.

Link to the GitHub Repository: 1Ramp Alpha Web App.


The web app uses React as the base UI library. Bootstrapped with Create React App, it uses many other popular JS libraries such as redux, react-router, lodash, etc.

For the full list of dependencies see the package.jsonfile.

Connect with us on Discord: https://discord.gg/PkgCv8j

Start the conversation on Discord.

Invite link!

We are pretty active on the Discord. If you have any queries, suggestions, or you want to get an early access to the platform and help us with feedback — do join our Discord server.

Want to contribute?

You can contribute to the HapRamp project in many ways. The easiest being opening an issue for reporting a bug or making a feature request. You can also create pull requests to improve the app.

This blog was originally published on alpha.1ramp.io: Open sourcing 1Ramp Alpha web app and adding Travis CI.

For more information, please visit: 1Ramp.io

